Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 15 ~ Baron Baptiste

Today I did Shiva Rea's Evolution Heart Flow ~ I enjoyed this practice.

My bum is a bit sore ~ went on a 22-mile bike ride with my Gal Pal yesterday.  Such a gorgeous fall day in Colorado ~ well worth the sore behind.
Today is another beautiful day ~ I took the dog for about a 3-mile jog right after work.
I had planned to get an upper body workout but just finished eating so I'm sitting here letting my food settle, unwinding from workday while watching the Broncos play.
I find it interesting, sometimes, how close the daily horoscope is to how my day went or is going ~ Here's what it said for today:  This is a very good time for me to start any new project ~ my energy is solid and I can count on my brain power staying strong throughout the day.  There will be no drowsy afternoon vibe for me.  Anything involving physical movement is highly favored, so if I'm beginning a new workout, etc, I am sure to have a very successful experience.  The only tricky part will be knowing when to stop for the day.

"Remember to take your practice seriously, but take yourself lightly." ~ Baron Baptiste

"Don't look for perfect poses; that's craziness.  It robs you of any joy in the movement.  Healthy poses, yes.  Perfect poses, not important.  The ideal of a pose is something to work toward, not a measuring stick to beat yourself up with." ~ Baron Baptiste

"If your practice is about performance, you are guaranteeing weaknesses in your body, because your strong side will only get stronger and your weak side will only get weaker.  Your more flexible side will get longer, but your blocked side will get tighter.  Why?  Because if you are performing, your ego will never let you expose your weaknesses and blocks." ~ Baron Baptiste

Enjoy today ~ Namaste

Home Base ~ 31 Days of Yoga

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